
'Tree of Life' - Maya Fridman & ensemble

Maya Fridman has had a long-standing connection with the Grachtenfestival; from her own performances to being nominated for the Grachtenfestival Prize, and from exciting combinations to concerts with scents. The composition commission from the Grachtenfestival is a wonderful crowning achievement of her journey with the festival so far. Don’t miss this premiere at the Uilenburgersjoel!

"Tree of Life" is a musical narrative inspired by the ten sefirot of the Tree of Life, the spiritual principles of the Jewish religious tradition. Maya's new composition reflects the gradual ladder of spiritual development that the Tree of Life symbolizes. This cycle is written for instruments from both the classical and Middle Eastern traditions. In this cycle, Maya weaves her new compositions with the gems of Persian poetry by Rumi & David Caplan, performed by singer Channa Malkin. The concert will be introduced by Safa Mirror. 

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